What’s membership all about at Glendale?
To renounce the spiritual forces of wickedness, reject the evil powers of the world, and repent of your sin;
To accept the freedom and power God gives you to resist evil, injustice, and oppression in whatever forms they present themselves;
To confess Jesus Christ as Savior, put your whole trust in his grace, and promise to serve him as your Lord;
To remain a faithful member of Christ’s holy church and serve as Christ’s representative in the world;
Each of these are intended to help us deepen our faith journeys in community as wee seek to extend radical hospitality, transform lives, and pursue justice.
Pray for each other, our community, and the world.
Prayer helps connect us to God + strengthen our community as we pray with and for one other.
Worship + Small Groups
Set aside Sunday mornings for worship + connection – with one another + with God.
Making worship a priority each week gives us an opportunity to re-center our lives, remember what is really important in life and sends us out into the world to make a difference in the lives of others. In worship, we grow to know God more deeply.
Worship alongside us Sundays @ 10am CT in person or live on Facebook, YouTube, Twitch or on our website here.
Grow in your faith outside of worship through a LifeGroup.
Our LifeGroups are intentionally smaller gatherings of our church community that meet regularly to journey together in faith + life. Our groups meet at restaurants, in each others’ homes, coffee shops and other places around the Greater Nashville Area to deepen their faith, have fun and serve in mission together. Click on these links for Life Groups and other small groups for Kids, Youth, Young Adults, and Adults.
Give Sacrificially
Give in proportion to your income, with the tithe (10%) as your goal.
We are challenged to invest in something larger than ourselves; to take what we have, connect it to the giving of others, and make an impact more than any one of us can do alone. We give to show what we profess with our mouths — our gifts become outward and visible signs of our inward and spiritual faith. Sometimes life circumstances mean we cannot give regularly, but when we are able to do so, it deepens our faith as we love and serve God through our giving.
Be Involved in Mission + Service to the Community + World
Utilize your passion + skills both inside and outside the walls of the church.
Our building is used for mission + service, but Glendale is also our launchpad out into the world as we are called to comfort the anxious, visit the lonely and imprisoned, feed, clothe, and house those experiencing homelessness, and give hope to the hopeless. There are many ways to make a difference in the lives of others – check out some of the current opportunities here.
Share Your Faith
Share your faith with others through words and actions.
We are called to share Jesus’ message of love & grace with others. Often we think this means awkward conversations, but it doesn’t (and shouldn’t) have to be like that. Sharing our faith with those around us through words and actions helps us grow deeper in our love for God and others. Something even as small as liking or sharing our posts on social media is a way to share your witness of God’s love + grace with others.
Are you ready to take the next step and be a part of something larger than any one of us are alone? Do you want more information on what it means to be a member of Glendale UMC – Nashville? Get in touch with our lead pastor, Rev. Steph Dodge to grab a coffee & chat. All people are invited + welcomed into this community of faith just as you are: No exceptions. No exclusions.
Glenda Gladden and Sandra Sullivan Join Our Glendale Family on July 7, 2024
When you accidentally get hit with one of our 12ft flag banners at [...]
Rev. Nick Baird-Chrisohon Joins Our Glendale Family on June 30, 2024
Racking up the clergy around here, yall! So thankful that Rev. Nick [...]
Rev. Susan Woodard Joins Our Glendale Family on June 23, 2024
We are absolutely BLESSED that Rev. Susan Woodard, ordained United [...]
David and Dwayne Southers-Pomeroy Join Our Glendale Family on June 9, 2024
David and Dwayne jumped right into the life of our community and we [...]
Julie Barroso Joins Our Glendale Family on June 2, 2024
We welcomed Julie Barroso into our Glendale Family yesterday during [...]
Joy Austin Joins Our Glendale Family on May 26, 2024
“This is the first church I have attended that felt like a [...]
Brian Harris Joins Our Glendale Family on May 19, 2024
We were SO excited to [officially] welcome Brian Harris into our [...]
Lauren Christian and Doug Herr Join Our Glendale Family on March 31, 2024
We officially welcomed Doug Herr @ 7am and Lauren Christian @ 10am [...]