When you accidentally get hit with one of our 12ft flag banners at Nashville Pride (pictured here) and then you come visit because you were asking God for a sign: God sure does work in mysterious ways.
When we say we are blessed to have Glenda Gladden and Sandra Sullivan in our church family, that’s an understatement. Thankful they officially chose us today.
From Sandra (she/her): “We wanted to find our village of people, to feel a belonging to, who would be loving and accepting of our complete selves. We prayed and asked God for a sign, to lead us to the right church, if it existed. Last year at Nashville Pride, I (Sandra) was hit in the head by someone carrying the large Glendale sign. Take away: words and prayers are powerful… be careful what you ask for, you just might get it. Taking that hint, coming home and looking at Glendale’s website we knew we had to visit. The welcome message, which is repeated every week is not just empty words, but a community of wonderful people from all walks of life, who will look you in the eye, give you a genuine smile, a firm handshake or hug, whatever you’re comfortable with. A woman pastor was very important as well, with Pastor Steph and all the other great leadership in this church, we found our village, we found home!”
From Glenda (she/her): “We visited Glendale for the first time 1 year ago. It was the Sunday that someone had thrown a concrete block through the window. While that was distressing, we were both very impressed with how well everyone handled that situation, especially Pastor Steph. That was also the first Glendale Sunday Brunch Group which we attended, and that gave us the opportunity to meet and interact with a number of people from Glendale. Then by the time we got home, a package was at the door with everything that we liked – delivered by Paul and Alice. That was like icing on the cake to solidify that they had chosen the ‘right’ church.”