Glendale-United-Methodist-Church-Nashville-Kids (2)

We seek to provide children a safe + loving environment where they can learn about the teachings of Jesus.

Our Glendale Kids ministry offers the opportunity for young people to grow in their faith through studying bible stories and to be active in their service to our community and the world through activities that connect us to one another and to Jesus – not to mention while having a lot of fun!


Small Group for Kids – Sundays @ 11am

CALLING ALL KIDS AGES 5+! We are rolling through our Route 66 drive through the Bible each week—right now we are exploring the New Testament! We will have games, science experiments and crafts all about the Bible passage of the day! Find us in the Glendale Kids’ room on the first floor right after worship – all are welcome!

Have Questions? Contact our Kids’ Teacher, Caddie Woodroof.


romper and bluey puppets childrens message at glendale united methodist church nashville tn umc2Photo: Our youth lead our monthly Children’s Message during worship!

A Different Take on the Children’s Message in Worship 

Once a month, Bluey + Romper (our favorite stuffed animal friends), join us in worship to talk about the day’s scripture so all ages can understand the Bible passages that we dig into. These two bring humor that is great for all ages to enjoy!


Photo: Dillon serves communion (dressed up as a pirate “Arg!“) during worship.

Our Kids are an Active Part of Worship

We believe that it is important that young people have the opportunity to play an active role in worship at Glendale as greeters, acolytes, scripture readers, musicians, communion servers and pretty much any way an adult would serve during our worship services each week @ 10am!


Photos: Carolyn stuffs snack packs for the Oasis Center, a few of our young people setting up cots for Room In The Inn and Ella at Nashville PRIDE with our Glendale community to share God’s love for all!

Mission + Service Opportunities for Children

We are intentional in being active outside the doors of our building and welcome kids of all ages to help us make a difference in the lives of others! Many of the missions we are involved in are great opportunities for kids to get involved like Room In The Inn, putting together snack packs for youth in need for Oasis Center, walking with us at Nashville PRIDE, writing letters to our incarcerated siblings and many more ways to serve. Check out for more information on some of the ongoing opportunities for all ages to make a difference.


Vacation Bible School is Coming – Summer 2024

Join us for a one day experience where we will go on adventures alongside some of their favorite Bible heroes and discover our strength in God through epic music, spectacular science, crafty crafts, heroic recreation, and fantastic Bible stories!

It’s time for one last summer camp adventure with God before school begins on Saturday, August 10,2024! Click here for more information and to register.


Looking for information on our nursery + childcare for Sunday Mornings?

Click here for more information about our nursery.

Glendale United Methodist Church About Us Welcome

Find community at Glendale.
Plug into small groups, mission + worship.