Thankful that Laura + Brandon found Glendale and both jumped right into our community! Welcome home, yall!
A little bit about them: Laura and Brandon were both raised in non-denominational and Baptist churches. Laura faced opposition at her church after coming out to trusted members of the congregation, and gave up on church for a long time. She didn’t know it was possible to find a church that could reconcile her identity as both a Christian and a member of the LGBTQIA+ community.
As Brandon grew older, he questioned the church’s conservative views, especially how they’ve treated the LGBTQIA+ community. As a cishet white male, he never felt unwelcome at any church, but he could never feel at home at a church where his wife was not truly welcome.
Both Brandon and Laura are excited to have found Glendale, where they don’t have to hide who they are or their beliefs, and can worship freely with a supportive community. Laura has loved working in Glendale’s nursery frequently, and Brandon has been excited to find a community of nerds to play D&D with!