We were thrilled to welcome Katherine Buford into our beautiful Glendale family during worship on March 14, 2021! We are thankful that we get to walk alongside you in this journey of faith + life, Katherine.
A little about Katherine: “I grew up on Clayton Ave and went to Glendale Elementary, JT Moore and John Overton High School. I am a 1984 graduate of TSU and have worked at at a local bank for 15 years. I have two daughters and two precious grandsons. My first granddaughter is due in July. I’ve been a member at another local United Methodist church all my life but have been looking for another church for about two years. I saw Glendale’s Facebook post about worshipping on the lawn and decided to visit. I was greeted so warmly and made to feel a part of the Glendale family that day. Since then, I have continued to worship online and really enjoy the services. I look forward to fellowshipping and serving with my new church family.“