Glendale took the church to the streets during #WeWalkWithShawn in the 12South neighborhood showing our love + support for Shawn and all those who don’t feel comfortable walking down the street because of the [legitimate] fear that they may not return home again.
Shawn’s post from Nextdoor that sparked this event:
Yesterday I wanted to walk around my neighborhood but The fear of not returning home to my family alive kept me on my front porch . Today I wanted to walk again and I could not make it off the porch . Then I called my mother Lynetra and she said she would walk with . I still kept my ID on me and my phone in my hand but I walked . #Icantbreath #icantsleep #icantwalk
#ICanWalk #ICanBreathe #ICanSleep #BlackLivesMatter #GlendaleUMC