Black Lives Matter. Wear it.
The people of Glendale UMC – Nashville are called to show up for racial justice for our black and brown siblings – to continue our mission in word + action for the day where hatred for another human is dismantled + murder because of one’s skin color is no more. We designed these shirts for United Methodists to raise awareness of the Black Lives Matter Movement through ACTION: to wear them out in their communities + inside their churches.
Get your shirt, hoodie, tank top or sweater at: GlendaleUMC.org/Store
All proceeds from these will help us to be an even greater presence + advocate for justice + inclusion for all of God’s children. No matter the color of skin color, who you love or how you identify.
Find our beliefs + resources on racial justice + Black Lives Matter at: GlendaleUMC.org/BLM #SayTheirNames