Campus Development Fund


Glendale United Methodist Church is in the midst of a historic renovation of its sanctuary.  The campus development’s theme–Through the Years and Into the Future–takes into account Glendale’s long history while looking forward to even greater things in the future.

The church has set the funding goal of $68,000–which is $1000 for each year of Glendale’s 68 year history.  Funds will be raised on an ongoing basis, and various projects will be completed as the appropriate amount of money is raised.

The church has already applied a fresh coat of paint and done various architectural updates to the sanctuary, but there’s still a lot of work to do.

If you would like to contribute to the campus development fund, there are three ways to do so:

  • Contribute a gift marked for “Campus Development Fund” during a weekly service at Glendale.
  • Send a check to the church’s address (900 Glendale Lane; Nashville, TN 37204) with “Campus Development Fund” in the memo line.
  • Click here to donate online through the church’s OnRealm account. Make sure to select “Campus Development Fund” in the drop-down box.