A huge thanks to the Oasis Center for coming to Glendale yesterday for a community training on inclusiveness – something that we think would be helpful for all churches and workplaces!
We Join to #ResistHarm Against the UMC Traditional Plan
We join with other United Methodists around the world to proclaim that we will continue to #ResistHarm and that we stand against the discriminatory Traditional Plan. We believe that everyone is God’s beloved with no exceptions or exclusions.
#UnwrapChristmas Event Brings in 55+ Bags of Food for Second Harvest
On Christmas Eve, we set up at the Melrose Kroger and filled 55 shopping bags FULL of food for Second Harvest Food Bank of Middle Tennessee! A huge thank you to our community for their generosity while doing some last minute shopping! We are so grateful to be a part of making a difference in the […]
Glendale UMC – Nashville Unanimously Votes to Become Reconciling Congregation
It is with great excitement to announce that by a unanimous congregational vote on August 11, 2019, Glendale UMC – Nashville is now an official reconciling congregation affiliated with the Reconciling Ministries Network! Thanks be to God!